Wednesday, April 19, 2017

New Additions to

Today I have posted some updates to our rabbitry’s website that should help prospective customers learn more about our rabbits and make more informed decisions about which rabbits to purchase.

In addition to the pictures on the “For Sale” and “Breeding Barn” pages, we now post our show results on the “Calendar” page. Why would we do this? Now customers can visually analyze the parents of available litters and then check out the kits’ parents on the “Breeding Barn” page. If prospective customers like the parents, they can then check their show record by going to the “Calendar” page. For example, if someone were interested in a kit from Bradford (MH21) and Emily (MH10), they could click on show results from the ARBA National and see that Bradford placed third in red senior bucks and Emily placed second in broken senior does. Knowing  how rabbits have been judged in actual ARBA show can help prospective customers make more informed choices.

Also new this month is also our “Rabbit Line Breeding Chart.” I have tried to find line breeding charts to track the different generations, but I have never really found what I was looking for. I finally decided that I could make a chart using a Microsoft Word table and draw tools. The result is a pdf visitors can download and then write in names and ear numbers as they track a given line’s different generations. The “Rabbit Line Breeding Chart” can be found on our “Links” page.

Another new feature this month will be our magnetic feeder business cards. I recently moved rabbits around into different cages in an attempt to create some new logical system to rabbit placement. Upon entering the rabbitry on another day, I realized I had forgotten the new logic behind our new system.  The rabbits were all red; they all looked alike; and worst of all, the parents’ identity  of those few that I had not yet tattooed seemed to have escaped my recent memory. I remembered those magnetic info cards that I saw on sale at last year’s West Coast Classic, and decided I would ask my architect daughter to design magnetic feeder info cards that I could pass out as promotions when we return to Reno. The templates are posted on our “Links” page: we have one template for does and a different version for bucks.

I hope some of the new additions to our website  are of use to someone out there in Internet land. We are always trying to come up with some new “system” to help us improve our rabbit breeding efforts.

Send us comments below and share some of your rabbit breeding ideas.

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